Monday, August 6, 2007

Wacky Stuff on Women's Bodies from The Olden Days

I was in the library today looking for some stuff on the history of women's education and got side-tracked by some weird old books on women, education, and bodies. I found this 1880 text, The Coming Woman: The Royal Road to Physical Perfection, where a lecturer and teacher of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene named Eliza Barton Lyman provides the following useful advice: (seriously. You can't make this stuff up).
  1. Don't marry someone with a large brain and small neck, especially if he kind of looks like you: "Take a man and woman of equally refined nervous constitutions, with large brains, small necks and chests, weak muscles, similar color of hair, eyes, complexion and conformation of head; let them marry, and if children come, they will be puny and short-lived in most cases, intensely excitable, disposed to brain and nervous disturbances" (195).
  2. Pregnant women should not have sex since they "as a rule, are averse to the sexual union during the period of gestation, and if a desire should be manifested at the time, it may be regarded as the result of some abnormal condition: perhaps from ulceration of the womb, leucorrhea, granulation of the vagina" (219). According to Lyman this can also cause epilepsy in the unborn child and give it a "stupid, animalized look" (221) and "the idiotic condition" (221).
  3. Men should be forewarned that "an excessive loss of semen is just as destructive to physical, mental, and spiritual upbuilding, as a daily drainage from the arteries would be" (222). Semen is composed of "the best arterial blood" and would otherwise be directed to the brain or muscles. One ounce of semen equals 40 ounces of blood.
  4. After a baby is born, you should coat its entire body in vaseline or, if that is not available, oil from chickens or turkeys (which is preferable to vegetable oils since it is "more penetrating and softening, and less gluey" (234).
  5. Don't let your baby wear a diaper for too long, since this can destroy "the balance of the body" and produce "the extreme of 'toeing out,' bow legs, halting gait, etc.'" (240).
  6. "It is the duty of every woman to make herself as attractive as possible, and thus be enabled to do a greater amount of good in the world" (298). If your husband cheats on you, it is your fault for not keeping yourself "sweet and pretty".


chris said...

"Men should be forewarned that "an excessive loss of semen is just as destructive to physical, mental, and spiritual upbuilding, as a daily drainage from the arteries would be" (222). Semen is composed of "the best arterial blood" and would otherwise be directed to the brain or muscles. One ounce of semen equals 40 ounces of blood."

Loic Wacquant, a sociologist who has written an incredible ethnography of the "art and science of pugilism" called Body & Soul touches on this very thing. boxers still abstain from sexual contact for weeks leading up to a boxing match - the bigger the match the longer they'll "sacrifice" sexual indulgences (i.e emitting semen via any method). the firmly held belief is that it weakens their resolve and saps them of both mental strength and physical endurance.

Wacquant has written copiously about this years-long (4 years, if i remember correctly) study. so it wouldn't surprise me if he has an article specifically about boxer's semen/sexual practices.

btw, i'd have to say my favorite one is about the matching brain/head size!

jordynn said...

Yeah, better look for someone with a small brain. Although for a smart guy, you kind of have a small head. Or maybe that's just because you have no hair. ;)

chris said...

it's hard to imagine searching for a mate based on head-size. guess i'll have to incorporate that into my criteria. shouldn't be too big of an adjustment. i suppose?

i do seem to have a pretty small bean. i think. one of the reasons i don't ever buy/wear sunglasses is b/c i have a rather narrow head (which i suppose would make me, literally, "narrow minded"?? hm...), so glasses always look strange on my face.

and, yes, the baldness factor probably does enhance the illusion/reality - whichever the case may be.

k8 said...

That is both sad and hilarious. I do get the vaseline-thing though, considering the amount of baby oil some people use on their children.

BTW, I came here via Wind Farm.