Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Advertising Rhetoric

A short article in the latest issue of the Chronicle features a rhetoric professor who has made T-shirts with phrases like "Ask Me About Rhetoric" and "Isocrates, Youplato," in the hopes of raising public awareness of rhetoric as a discipline.

After a little searching at CafePress, I've decided to put these T-shirts on my Christmas list:Plus, this rhetoric sticker. As a public service I might order a few hundred of these and plaster them on telephone poles and stuff wherever I go.

The Chronicle also featured a piece about a Dictionary of Canadianisms, including the following quiz. (Match the term with the corresponding image. I'll post the answers tomorrow).


chris said...

i like The Canon shirt. but popularity of dead white guys since 1616? the significance of 1616 in the history of rhetoric is... miss historiographer???

jordynn said...

Yeah, I don't know. I think the canon t-shirt must actually be for literature. Because if it were for rhetoric it would be waaaaaaaaaay earlier....

chris said...

true dat.

i came across this about the dead white guys...
your instincts are so smart.

Anonymous said...

Scott's got one of those "Ask me about Rhetoric" t-shirts, but it shrank. His brother made it for him, and I should ask him to make more in bulk.

Aimee said...

Shouldn't that be:

"I love rhetoric?"

(with a question mark)?